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i downloaded but it says file not found on yandex

what do i do

To play the file with the SWF extension you need Adobe Flash Player. The official adobe site has deleted its flash archive, but you can download it here from the internet archive.

For Windows -

For Linux -

Just open the SWF file in the downloaded player. There are no viruses.

Modern versions of browsers don't support Flash.


Love how you specify that they are all 18+ and ya know that little thing called CONSENT.

(1 edit) (+1)

What's the problem, officer? Petite 18+ girls do exist. It's not my fault.


Coming from one yes they do exist.

can we become a god?


Not in this universe.


( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)

Everyday we stray further from God.

See you in hell, lads.

Do you play as a female?


Technically, yes. You choose one of the two girls and make interactions as if you are taking on their role. Although it always seemed to me that the player in my games is rather an invisible spectator who has some ability to see further and influence some events, trying on different roles. In the end, in this particular game, the main protagonist may turn out to be boys assistants or a professor acting as an examiner and choosing tests for girls. In short, choose what you like.